Shop Adult

Project Completed By Robico Web Solutions

Adult Website | Online Shop | Website Development | Logo Design Shop Adult

In a first for Robico, we were approached to do some design work for a business in the adult industry. Shop Adult, a sex shop in Brisbane, approached us to create a new logo and design a stylish website for them. They had approached many design firms before they found us, but found that most companies they approached wouldn’t accept the design job for such a risque business.

We started with the logo design first for Shop Adult. They wanted something simple and elegant that would appeal to their customers. After some time we developed a couple of concepts for the Shop Adult crew to consider. We went ahead with a very simple design with a nice font accompanied by the gender symbols in different colours to represent the wide spectrum of customers they have.

Next, we moved on to creating a sexy website design for them. Since they are an adult store, they need the website to promote their products, but wanted the design to be classy and not sleazy. We used their new logo as the inspiration for the adult website design so we used black and purple as the main colours and used the same font for the headings.

If you are interested in creating a website for your business, contact us today to discuss your project.