Zumba Brisbane North

Project Completed By Robico Web Solutions

Website Development Zumba Brisbane North

I was going to Zumba with my friend and was talking to the instructor Sharyn after class and mentioned that I build websites. Sharyn was looking at expanding her website to offer more information to students like myself so she hired Robico to work on the Zumba Brisbane North website.

We started the project by upgrading their website from a static HTML website to WordPres – a content management system. This made it easier for the ZBN team to update the website. Next we worked with their marketing person to determine what would be included in the website. After a couple of meetings and redesigning concepts, the ZBN website was ready to be used as a powerful marketing tool for this fitness business.

If you own a fitness business and would like to get your website attracting more clients, contact us today for a quote.